MUD EV Charging Program


The application portal will temporarily be down for maintenance on Tuesday, 2/25 between 8pm-9pm ET.


Incentives for EV Charging at Multi-Unit Dwellings (MUDs)

New Jersey's Clean Energy Program aims to achieve a 100% clean energy future. The MUD EV Charging Program offers incentives to owners and operators of MUDs to support the purchase and installation of eligible Level 2 (L2) EV charging equipment.

The program offers up to $4,000 for the purchase of dual-port, networked Level 2 EV charging equipment or up to $6,000 for eligible MUDs located in a designated Overburdened Municipality. For those in non-IOU territories, the Program also offers up to $5,000 towards the make-ready costs of installing L2 chargers.

See below for more information about Overburdened Municipalities.

For more information, please reach out to

Application Process

Applicants must complete a two-step process.
Step 1: Provide details of the
intended purchase, and if approved,
incentive funding will be reserved.

Apply for Incentive

Step 2: Provide proof of installation,
and if approved, claim the incentive.

Claim Your Incentive

Award Caps

Number of UnitsCharging Stations
5 to 40Up to 3
41 to 100Up to 6
101 to 200Up to 12
> 200Up to 24

Eligibility Requirements

Applicant Eligibility

Eligible applicants may be apartments, condominiums or mixed residential locations that have at least five units and have dedicated off-street parking.

EV Charging Equipment Eligibility

Any brand of Level 2 charging equipment with standard connectors available for use by all EVs is eligible provided that the charging equipment is:

  • ENERGY STAR® Certified
  • Dual Port
  • UL2594 listed

View the full Terms and Conditions and Extension Policy

Overburdened Municipalities

To be eligible for additional incentive, MUDs must be either deed restricted, 100% affordable (low- and moderate-income) housing or in an area designated as an Overburdened Municipality by the Community Energy Planning Program, Docket No. QO21091113.

Learn more about Overburdened Municipalities on the New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program website.

Apply for Charger Incentive

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